Everything to Know Before Getting a Nipple Piercing

Everything to Know Before Getting a Nipple Piercing

Nipple piercings are gaining popularity all over the world. Traditionally, these rather simple body piercings at the base of the nipple have struggled to gain klout due to stigma and a host of misconceptions around getting them in the first place. If you’re thinking about getting a nipple piercing in the coming weeks, it’s good to quash any myths and to set yourself up for the best possible experience. This guide touches on everything you need to know before you start the process, including pain expectations, the possible complications you should be aware of, as well as the healing time you’ll need for it to be 100% sorted. 

Expected Pain Levels

If you’re getting one or both of your nipples pierced, you should expect some pain during the process. Both during and for the week after it is done. Because of the high amount of nerve endings in the area, it is considered to be one of the more sensitive spots for piercings or tattoos. Although the immediate pain will go away during the course of the first seven to ten days, the spot may feel slightly tender and a bit irritated as it goes through the longer healing process. At the end of the day, the result will be well worth the effort. Go into the experience prepared to experience some discomfort, all the while staying mindful about why it is you’re doing it to begin with. 

Average Healing Time

Any piercing requires going straight through the skin, your primary defense against infections every day. A foreign “disturbance” is going to put your skin under some duress, resulting in an immune system response. Nipple piercings can take a long time to heal based on where they are located and because you have to wear clothing as you go about your day. Expect an average total healing time of nine to twelve months, factoring in that additional complications might cause trouble along the way. Let’s detail what some of these might be so you know what you may be dealing with. 


Nipple Piercing Facts


Potential Complications Down the Line

While the area is still inflamed, there is a greater likelihood that it can get infected, mostly due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissue around the wound. A clear sign of this is unusual redness, swelling and drainage that is clear in color. Other responses from the body may include a hot or sensitive nipple, fever, aches, rashes and general fatigue. If the redness spreads beyond just the area that was pierced, it’s important to see a medical professional to make sure everything is alright. 

A Boost for the Recovery Process

At BodyJ4You, our aftercare products are specifically designed to give the healing process after getting any type of piercing a much needed boost. We’ve even added piercing kits to our catalog to ensure that the highest quality, safest products are out on the market. Nipple piercings are slightly more complicated than others, requiring more maintenance than the average piercing. That’s not to say that they aren’t worth the effort. Before you know it, you’ll be showing off the latest addition to your body on the beach in summer, or simply privately in the comfort of your own home. 

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