The Main Types of Nose Piercings and What They Mean

The Main Types of Nose Piercings and What They Mean

Things You Need to Know About Nose Piercings 

Nose Piercing


There are many different body piercings to choose from: lips, belly button, dermal, nipple, ears, and much more. The nose is among the top places to get pierced. But did you know that there are more options than just a regular nostril stud? 

Start with a basic stud as these heal best, rather than hoops, oversized jewellery or piercings with pendants, as these are more prone to complications and can result in ugly scarring. It can take months for your body to get used to a new piercing. Avoid touching and sleeping on it, to be safe. Keep water exposure to a minimum. Your piercing should heal well if you keep it clean and allow it to heal. 

The Different Types of Nose Piercings 

Before committing to a piercing, consider the different types of nose piercings and decide which is the most ideal for you. You can use a clip-on hoop or an earring hoop to get a feel for a nostril or septum’s placement. Or grab a stick-on gem and position it where you want to get pierced. If you like the look and feel of any of these temporary fixes, you’ll be a lot more confident about your chosen nose piercing. 

Nostril Piercing 

The classic nostril piercing has always been the first choice for most, and for good reason. Not only is it beautiful, but most jewellery types can be worn with this piercing. This includes, studs, rings, barbells, screws, and captive ball rings. 


The septum is the small part of the nose between the nostrils, and consists of a cartilage and a thin layer of skin. A septum piercing is a small hole in the centre of the nose. Although this piercing is one of the more painful parts of the nose to pierce as it penetrates cartilage, the septum will heal quickly owing to the thin tissue. Jewellery should be made from surgical-grade stainless steel, gold, or titanium. 

Bridge Piercing

Bridge piercings do not puncture cartilage or bone and are not as painful as other nose piercings as a result. Surface piercings are more prone to migration, which occurs when your body moves a piercing closer to the skin's surface. This can be uncomfortable and even painful. If this occurs, the piercing will most likely need to be permanently removed in order for the hole to close and heal. It is best to ask your piercer to remove the jewellery for you. Curved barbells are the best type of jewellery for bridge piercings, whereas straight barbells may encourage migration.

The Austin bar is visually similar to the bridge, but extends lower on the nose. A stud-studded bar connects the nostrils. 

Nasallang Piercing 

The nasallang piercing looks like the bridge, but goes horizontally through the septum and both nostrils with one straight barbell. It is one of the most challenging to get right. This is a piercing best left to experienced piercing professionals and not a novice.

Rhino Piercing 

The rhino is a piercing located vertically at the tip of the nose. Named for its resemblance to a rhinoceros’s horn, the rhino piercing is a rare piercing for seasoned body art collectors. If you want a unique piercing that you aren’t likely to see often, this is it. The placement of this piercing requires precision to avoid damage to the nose, and only curved barbell jewellery must be used. 

Septril Piercing 

A septril piercing combines a rhino and septum piercing. This piercing runs vertically through the inside of the septum to the tip of the nose. Before you will be able to get this rare piercing, you will need to pierce your septum and gradually have it stretched by your piercer. In fact, your ear’s unique anatomy may not be suitable for this industrial piercing. A professional piercer will be able to tell you which ear piercing best suits your ear shape after a quick peek at your ears.

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