How to Choose the Right Combination to Wear Multiple Earrings
Todays piercings are becoming a major trend, with previously unlikely people sporting body piercings. And those that have them also think of different ways in which they can incorporate and coordinate their body piercings into their broader fashion and style. Here we discuss some areas of the body where multiple piercings look great and what you can do to personalize and add your unique look.
Which earrings to buy
When purchasing jewelry, one often wants to try it on to see how it looks first. But with online jewelry purchase, this becomes a barrier to purchase. However, there is a very simple way to check whether multiple piercings will look good in a particular area- simply buy some stick on gem stickers and try them; it will give you a fair idea about how the actual jewelry will look. There are various areas of the anatomy that people pierce in multiple spots and most of these piercings are often in close proximity. One of the commonest areas is the forward helix and most people get at least two to three piercings in a row here. Another popular spot is the face of the helix or the cartilage.
Some styling options to try
You can get dermal piercings in shapes, lines, clusters or any design you like. Many people like to get creative with this aspect and may also get dermals in the shape of constellations. But piercings aren’t the only thing you can get creative with. Today there are innumerable jewelry options to choose from and the sky’s the limit when it comes to you being able to mix-and-match piercing jewelry designs and styles; here are some ideas:
Not only will you find jewelry in a wide range of color options, but there are numerous semi-precious stone settings, ranging from solid-colored beads and gems to opals and crystals etc. to choose from.
You can get minimalistic or elaborate jewelry based on your specific preferences and styling choice.
Some of these pieces are available in sets and will have a similar styling. But you can always innovate and mix-and-match and find something that looks aesthetically-appealing as a whole even without the same styling or materials.
If you like, you can also wear a single larger earring that becomes the statement piece and then complement it with clusters of smaller earrings in the surrounding piercings.
Create a unique style of yourself
Very simply put, there are no rules and you can create your own style or emulate a style you have seen celebrities sporting. For the last 16 years, we at BodyJ4You have been blazing trails in the high-quality fashion and body jewelry space.
We are the go-to online store for all types of body jewelry, stretching & piercing kits, plugs, tunnels, the latest cufflinks, choker necklaces, men’s stainless steel bracelets & necklaces, genuine leather cuffs and more. Feel free to browse our website; create your online account and start shopping on BodyJ4You today.